Uganda Association of Occupational Therapists (UAOT) became a member of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in 1996 (WFOT). UAOT is also a member of OTARG (Occupational Therapy Africa Regional Group) Today UAOT is a stronger and vibrant association of Senior experienced professionals who have background across the Country.

The 1st President of the UAOT was Samantha Shan who is now working with WFOT. The current president of UAOT is Victor Alochi.

UAOT is the only legally recognised body that regulates, overseas and supervises occupational therapy activities in Uganda. UAOT works alongside the Allied Health Professionals council of the Ministry of Health to ensure quality practice within occupational therapy in Uganda.

UAOT is mandated to ensure quality occupational therapy standards through: Registering all qualified Occupational therapists in Uganda

Carrying out support supervision for all its members Organising and providing continued professional development courses for its members Supervising occupational therapy training programs in Uganda Building international linkage

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Mon-Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm